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Somerset County Child Custody Lawyers

Child custody is one of the most sensitive and complex issues to resolve in a divorce. Both parents may have competing views of what they believe is best for their children.

In any child custody case, you should have a lawyer, even when there is no active dispute. Your decisions can affect you and your children’s future. It is vital that you know how the child custody process works and what your rights are as a parent.

What Are Common Child Custody Disputes?

Parents may have differing views on what they believe is best for their children. They may have different viewpoints on the following matters:

  • Which parent will have primary physical custody of the children;
  • How much time the non-custodial parent will have with the children;
  • The parenting time schedule;
  •  Critical decisions that affect the children’s welfare;
  • How the children will be raised.

New Jersey courts ideally want both parents to have a role in their children’s lives. Courts usually prefer that the parents have joint legal custody, allowing both to participate in the decision-making process.

There is no presumption about which parent may have physical custody. Depending on the situation, the mother or the father may receive primary physical custody.

How Are Child Custody Matters Resolved?

The child custody situation may be determined in the following ways:

  • Settlement proposals between the lawyers, with or without the formal process of discovery;
  • Mediation, wherein a mediator can help facilitate an agreement if the parties are stuck on any issue;
  • Trial, where a judge is tasked with doing what is in the child’s best interest.

How the Court Decides Child Custody Matters

New Jersey has a lengthy list of factors that are assessed as part of determining what is in the children’s best interests, with the judge often having discretion about which factors they consider and how they weigh them. Our lawyers will review the facts of your case and be your advocate and voice.  

Modifications to Child Custody Agreements

A change of circumstances can arise even after the court enters a custody order, and the court has the ability to modify the order under the appropriate circumstances. The parents can agree on the change independently or file a motion in the event of disagreement.

The high standard for modification means that a parent must carefully negotiate the child custody agreement during the divorce because it may be hard to change afterward.

Non-Compliance With Child Custody Orders

There are times when the other parent may not follow the custody agreement. They may make decisions without consulting the other parent or deny the other parent their visitation rights under the child custody order.

The child custody arrangement has the authority of the court behind it. If a parent violates the custody order, they could be held in contempt of court. Contempt is a serious charge. It could even result in jail time. If the other parent deliberately ignores or fails to follow the custody agreement, you can take legal action in court.

Why Should You Hire a Somerset County Child Custody Lawyer at Tune Law Group, LLC?

Our lawyers can help you in the following ways:

  • Learn the facts about your child custody situation so they can provide you with tailored advice;
  • Negotiate with the other parent’s lawyer so you do not have to become intimately involved in the legal process;
  • Propose options and alternatives for your custody situation;
  • Draft or review language to a child custody agreement to ensure it reflects the actual terms;
  • Argue your case before a judge if you cannot agree;
  • Assist you if any child custody issues arise after the divorce has been entered.

Contact Our Somerset County Child Custody Lawyers at Tune Law Group, LLC for Help Today

If you need help with a child custody matter, contact our Somerset County child custody Lawyers at Tune Law Group, LLC. Call us at 908-434-1061 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. Located in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, we serve clients in and around Somerset County, Monmouth County, Whitehouse, and Tewksbury.