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Somerset County Divorce Lawyers

Hiring a divorce lawyer is not mandatory in New Jersey; however, not hiring one could have dire consequences. Our knowledgeable and experienced Somerset County divorce lawyers at Tune Law Group, LLC provide objective advice, legal guidance, and support you need to make sound decisions for you and your children’s futures. We help clients in the following ways:

  • Determine divorce grounds;
  • Prepare and file required documents;
  • Locate and compile marital asset and debt records;
  • Develop a fair distribution of property;
  • Assess spousal support;
  • Establish child custody and calculate child support;
  • Prepare visitation arrangements;
  • Litigate the case in trial;
  • Negotiate a fair settlement agreement;
  • Protect your legal rights.

What Types of Divorce-Related Legal Matters Does Tune Law Group, LLC Handle?

Our skilled Somerset County divorce lawyers represent clients in an array of divorce-related matters, including but not limited to:

How Do I File for Divorce?

To file for divorce, one of you must have resided in New Jersey for at least 12 consecutive months unless claiming adultery, which has no waiting period. You must state the reason, or grounds, for divorcing and file a “fault” or “no-fault” divorce.

Most New Jersey divorces are filed as no-fault or uncontested for grounds of “irreconcilable differences.” Uncontested divorce is the simplest, quickest, and least expensive method of divorcing. Fault-based divorces are filed based on one or more of the state’s legally recognized grounds:

  • Abandonment or desertion
  • Adultery
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • Deviant sexual behavior
  • Domestic violence or mental abuse
  • Extreme mental or physical cruelty
  • Institutionalization or Imprisonment

You will be responsible for providing evidence supporting your claims if you file a fault-based divorce. Hiring legal representation to properly accomplish this is in your best interests.

What Is Required to Divorce in New Jersey?

To divorce, you must work through a specific process dictated by the law and within the court’s schedule. Though each divorce may vary based on unique circumstances, the process of divorcing generally includes:

  • One spouse filing a divorce petition with the court, and the receiving spouse must answer or file a counterclaim within 35 days of being served.
  • Both spouses and their lawyers exchange relevant information, locate and valuate assets, issue subpoenas, and take depositions, if necessary.
  • Negotiating a mutual settlement agreement through voluntary mediation or lawyers independently.
  • Participating in a court-ordered settlement conference if mediation fails to produce an agreement.
  • Attending a divorce trial if an agreement has not been reached.

What Is Equitable Distribution?

Equitable distribution is the rule New Jersey courts apply when dividing a divorcing couples’ marital property. In contrast to a community property state, which divides property equally, equitable distribution means marital property is divided fairly, not necessarily equally. To aid in the decision-making, the courts consider many factors, including the length of the marriage, each spouse’s health, the marital standard of living, economic standing, and other relevant factors that can all contribute to how assets are distributed.

What Expenses Should I Expect When Getting a Divorce?

New Jersey courts charge $300 to file a divorce petition and an additional $25 fee for a required parenting workshop for those seeking child custody or visitation. The served spouse must pay a $175 fee to file a response or counterclaim. Additional expenses commonly associated with divorce include:

  • Attorney fees
  • Mediation costs
  • Parenting coordination costs
  • Process server fees

Couples whose income is at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level are eligible to apply for a court fee waiver, which eliminates filing costs.

How Long Does it Take to Divorce in New Jersey?

Most New Jersey divorces are completed within a few months to one year, depending on the circumstances and how quickly couples reach a mutual settlement agreement. Lengthy marriages and high-asset divorces typically require more than one year to finalize.

Our Somerset County Divorce Lawyers at Tune Law Group, LLC Help Clients Seek Divorce in New Jersey

Our Somerset County divorce lawyers at Tune Law Group, LLC can help you with all your divorce needs. To learn more about our services or schedule a free consultation, call 908-434-1061 or contact us online. Located in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey, we serve clients in and around Hunterdon County, Monmouth County, Whitehouse, and Tewksbury.